Sexy little number
The bird in the black dress
Can't quite get my head around the fact that you think you look a mess
True say it's early it's 8.30 in the morning
And half the people passing us are stretching and yawning
Looks like bare people had a late night last night
But trust me when I say you're looking good in the daylight
Heavy hitting it we drank the bar dry
Standard drunken awkward conversions I think I want to die
The word cringe in the dictionary should be accompanied by my mugshot
These horrendous flashbacks. Parts of the night I purposely forgot
What on earth possessed you to agree to this date?!
Your first impression of me I was an absolute state!
Attributes to note; stalking, awkward talking, text message reading, drug dealing, my my how appealing
Funny game to play. Let's see how many times we can mention Chris
And then remember once again that my Mum is in fact his Dad's sis
He is therefore my cousin by definition
And leaves you in that awkward position
You mentioned far too much info last night that probably shouldn't be relayed
To keep this mouth shut a brother best get paid
Last night was completely and utterly jokes
Just wine this time. Kept well off the JD and cokes
How funny was it when I text and put
You're initials are JD, completely shooting myself in the foot
Totally oblivious to my intoxicated whit
I repeated my best lines sober like an absolute tit
Staring straight through you and into space
You asked me what I was looking at and I said your face
Bladdy original answer just like my mate Bob
I can make up names too you know like little Tim, Big Steve and Fat Rob
If I'm being totally honest and I'm telling the truth
You made way too big a deal about your snaggly tooth
Haha I'm only kidding it's not snaggly I swear
I hadn't noticed till you told me but now I can't help but stare
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